Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Description: In maths we have been working on statistics. I have been working with Bridget. At first the teachers did this thing when there is one main question and different answers, and then we did more of those and then we had to make our own. Bridget and I did it a what do we expect in Poutama. We had to start again because our questions weren't the best but we did a really good job on our second try!

Here is the slide that our questions are on and at the bottom is votes!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Market day in maori

Description: In ET Reo we have been focusing on having a conversation in maori. what I mean is not just a normal conversation in maori and conversation that you would have with someone who wants to buy your product. So a conversation like *Hi. how are you?. how much is your product?* and things like that but in Māori. So Bridget and I have been writing a script and practicing it and then recording it on puppet pals. It took us a while to get a good recording but we finally got one.

Here it is!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

PreP post

Description: In term 3 we started to work on our PreP. Im working with Bridget and Caitlin and we decided to do clay sushi. We chose this because we all love Japan and we all love sushi (apart from Caitlin). We wanted to do clay at first but then we thought pom pom's would be better, but then we thought that the pom pom's would fall apart, so ten we went back to clay and made 41 sushis! On the day of market day we only had 31 to sell because some of the sushis got ruined by the p.v.a glue we put on them to keep the paint from falling off. But we did sell all 31 and made $30.50. We have a slide from the start of PreP to the last day. Here it is.


Description: In Elly's class for writing we have been working on persuasive writing or "adds" what I mean by adds is T.V commercials. We had to make a T.V commercial about a small box. We could make this box anything we wanted. I worked with Yassmine and we decided to make the small box be a wishing box. A wishing box is a box that you can wish for anything and it will come alive!!!!

This is our add!